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Friday Jul 5 - Sunday Jul 7

Lovers & Babes

It’s time to gather once again and celebrate the return of summer. Our intention this time is to reconnect with familiar friends and make new connections with friends-to-be.

  • Tickets required

  • 3 meals included

  • A gifting/participation culture embraced

  • Connection built through shared effort and joy

  • Every participant is a headliner- no matter the level of skill or experience

Bring your art, music, or wonky projects along with your beautiful self is encouraged.  Let us know if any of these require special accommodation. 

Peruse the FAQ below at your leisure and click the lips at the bottom if your concern has not been addressed. See you soon!

Vibe Check

We hold consensual and nurturing relationships key to the work and play we enact.


Love is at the heart of this event, so we ask that all guests and attendees participate in keeping our space special.


Consider both the intention and the impact of actions. Our inspirations for our tenets come from our friends at High + Tight, Burning Man, the Radfae, and a collection of events that have gifted us with amazing memories.


  • We expect that the people you bring into the space will uphold the same values that we do.

  • You are responsible for your guests.

  • Sexism, transphobia, racism, homophobia, or other aggressive or exclusionary behavior will not be tolerated.

  • Any guest exhibiting these behaviors will be asked to leave, as will the person who invited them.


A note on emotions: As humans, we all have highs and lows. Sometimes that sine wave of the things we feel can lead to conflict. We ask that these conflicts be resolved with kindness and compassion. We’re all here together to have a good time.

Music, Arts, Meals

Music, Performances and Schedule

There are three music spaces:

Outside stage (daytime)

Main Indoor stage (10pm+) and,

Dungeon Stage (late night)



​A full day-by-day schedule will follow. 


  • Campout includes a campout welcome dinner on Friday night, Saturday Disco Brunch (brought to you by Shameless), and breakfast on Sunday morning.

  • Any Dietary restrictions listed on the intake form (QR code will be on your ticket) will be accommodated.

Oh!Campout will be hosted at PURR (Prancing Unicorn Resort & Recreation)  approximately 85 miles south of Seattle in Shelton, WA- about an hour and a half drive.

The venue features 2 dance halls, 2 bars and lounges, 1 commercial kitchen, an outside stage, a campground, an outdoor shower,  and a hot tub.​




Cell reception

  • Cellular service is available to most carriers at the site, but could be spotty and varies by network.

DJ Slots for Main Indoor Stage

We thought long and hard about slots for DJs, and decided to adopt a method to encourage collaboration:

  • DJs will be awarded 1 hour time slots between 10 pm and 5 am at the indoor main stage.

  • Slots will be selected by a random generator.

  • Slots may be traded, modified for B2B, or given away.

Electricity, Water, Waste

  • Outlets are available in the main building and at various points around the venue.

  • Water is available at the bar, kitchen, or faucet outside near the camping area.

  • There are bathrooms available in the main building and a Porta Potty with sinks available near the camping area.


  • ​There is a commercial kitchen available for personal use.

  • Please bring your own plate, cup, and cutlery to minimize waste.

  • Please clean up after yourself and share space and supplies.

  • A refrigerator is available mostly for spoilable food. To keep personal drinks cold, please bring a cooler.


  • All participants, talents, and gifts are equal at Oh!Campout. All are needed and treated equally for the experience to manifest.

  • To preserve that intention, we have posted the cost of the event and where that ticket money is going.

  • Everyone buys a ticket (including the organizers), and no one is being paid to attend (we’re all headliners).


  • Parking is available but limited, so carpooling is heartily encouraged.

  • Four-wheel drive will not be necessary for this campout. PURR is located off a main road.

  • There will be signs to direct you to the parking and camping area- be aware that the turn can sneak up on a driver.


We understand that some of us have strong bonds with our four-footed friends.

  • PURR does not allow pets in the indoor areas.

  • PURR requires all pets to be leashed.

  • Consider carefully if that responsibility is one you wish to take on for these three days.


  • There are ample camping spots and an indoor napping area.

  • If you don't have a tent or aren't an experienced camper, check with the OH! organizer by email.

  • PURR has some glamping options available at an additional cost that we can work as a go-between to book.

  • Outdoor deck hours for djing will be curtailed from 10pm-5am.


  • Tent

  • Bedding (sleeping bag, inflatable mattress, etc.)

  • Personas, Costumes, & Lewks

  • Swimsuit

  • Jacket for cooler evenings

  • Outdoor Footwear

  • Drinks (BYOB)

    • These may be stored at the bar​

  • Snacks

  • Food for the non-camp meals

  • Cooler​

  • Celebratory supplies that suit you best

  • Hat & sunscreen

  • Water bottle

  • Plate, bowl, & cutlery

  • Towel

  • Yoga Matt (optional)



  • Fireworks

  • Weapons

Contact The Campowt Team

Click on the lips

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